BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240607T203221Z UID:event0707202266636e55d081e9.16983766 DTSTART:20220706T220000Z DTEND:20220709T215959Z LOCATION:Steintor-Varieté Halle (Saale)\, Am Steintor 10\, 06112 Halle\, Glasfoyer SUMMARY:Tumor Immunology meets Oncology (TIMO) XVI 2022 Halle DESCRIPTION:Dear participants of the TIMO meeting 2022\,\nwe hope that meanwhile everybody arrived safe and sound at home as well as in workday life.\nOnce again it was a great meeting! A lot of TIMO friends shared their enthusiasm already during the event. Thank you very much for your participation – everybody of you\, but in particular the speakers\, made these days so special!\nThis year’s summary: We welcomed more than 110 participants from 11 countries worldwide. The international quality of the talks was excellent. There were many discussions and novel cooperations between the participants have become possible. Based on this success\, we are really looking forward to seeing you again in 2023. We will announce as soon as possible the date\, so that you can plan for your attendance.\nAll the best for you and see you soon\,\nBarbara Seliger &\;amp\; Maria Heise\nThis was the program:\nPreliminary Program\nFor all outstanding participation fees\, here are our bank details:\nBank name: Deutsche Apotheker- und Aerztebank\nIBAN: DE46300606011008814171\nSWIFT code: DAAEDEDD\nreason for payment: name\, reg. fee TIMO XVI\nRegistration fee:\n300 € (regular) 200 € (Ph students) 100 € (external BSc/MSc students and employees of the MLU) 0 € (students of the MLU)\nResearch secretary Prof. Dr. Barbara Seliger:\nMaria Heise +49 345 557 5041 \nMain secretary Prof. Dr. Barbara Seliger:\nNicole Ott +49 345 557 1357 \n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR